M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Limited, approached TRAC and given a project on "Demarcation of PL/ML/QL/Mineral Blocks using DGPS & Total station & Geo referencing with Cadastral maps" for getting DGPS & Total station survey for lease boundaries and mapping of all major minerals and minor minerals in 9 districts in the state. Through this project DMG wants to assess and monitor spatially the actual lease area sanctioned and ground reality of mining activity at present day whereby knowing the deviations in area and locations pertaining to leases in the state. Main emphasis is to generate precise Mining Lease / Prospecting License boundaries on the cadastral map showing survey numbers, which also includes 1.Precise fixation of coordinates of pillars of mining lease with reference to at least three permanent ground features in and around lease boundaries sanctioned .2. Generation of latitude-longitude value for each boundary pillar and ground reference points like Tri-junction, Bi- junction, Mines and Geology reference points using DGPS survey. 3.Integration of Mining Lease / Prospecting License boundary with vectorized & geo-referencing cadastral map 4. Showing Mining Lease / Prospecting License boundary on latest high-resolution satellite data with a buffer of 500 m.5. Creation of layer-wise GIS database comprising of i) Mining Lease / Prospecting License boundary ii) Geo referenced cadastral map iii) Base map details iv) Thematic data.
Inputs:DGPS survey points of mine leases , High resolution satellite imagery, Cadastral layers at TRAC, Base layers at TRAC.
Output:Final 6 hard copies of integrated map of each mine lease.
Telangana State Remote Sensing applications centre has been assigned to develop Geo Spatial Web Applications for SCCL on "Coal mine Geographic Information system" for their 16 OC mine leases and other areas using mapping of all layers & themes required for the project. All mine lease boundary pillar points & dynamic mine related LULC feature boundary points (DGPS survey) and other areas boundary points were provided by SCCL. TRAC has to generate all these boundary layers for GIS data base and structured to suit the web section to be hosted .All layers should be shown with back ground latest high resolution satellite imagery. Format for numerical data viewable along with visualizing integrated map hosted in the web has been designed to observe the differences between 2017-18 & 2018-19 of various parameter as per the flow chart given by SCCL. The intention of SCCL is to maintain year wise differences occurring in the mines and generate statistics when ever wanted by higher officers on different levels like year wise, project wise, area wise, single parameter wise. Any further requirement from SCCL to be addressed whenever asked for other data generation.
Inputs:High Resolution Satellite Imagery, DGPS survey points of different boundaries by SCCL. Base layers at TRAC.
Output:Generation GIS layers required for "Coal Mine Information System" by Geoscience section.
Department of mines and Geology, Telangana approached TRAC and given a project on " Quantification of mineral excavated by conducting ETS survey in the existing ML/QL In Erstwhile Adilabad District
Inputs:Approved DGPS survey map, High resolution satellite imagery, Cadastral layers at TRAC, Base layers at TRAC.
Output:Final 2 hard copies of integrated map of each mine lease
TSIIC Khammam Zone asked TRAC to develop Web GIS application & Conducted the DGPS or Drone Survey for Paloncha Industrial Park.
Main objective of the project work is-
- Survey of the industrial park using 2-D Digital Terrain Model created using less than 5cm spatial resolution drone image with +/- 5 cm positional accuracy.
- Demarcation and fixation of Boundary of the Industrial Park in reconciliation with Revenue Records and identification and delineation of encroachments, if any.
- Creation of accurate GIS Database for the properties, amenities and facilities within the industrial park.
Layout Map given by TSIIC Khammam, Village parcels layer available at TRAC,Drone Imagery.
Output:Development of compatible Web GIS Application for the Industrial Park.
Department of mines and Geology, Telangana approached TRAC and given a project on " Geo-fencing of mining Lease Areas in Telangana state and Creation of layer-wise GIS database comprising of
- Mining Lease / Prospecting License boundary.
- Geo referenced cadastral map .
- Base map details
- Thematic data
Approved DGPS survey map, High resolution satellite imagery, Cadastral layers at TRAC, Base layers at TRAC.
Output:Monitoring of Mining Activity Using high-resolution satellite data using Web GIS