1. The Governing Body shall generally carry out and pursue the objects of the society, as set forth in the Memorandum of its Association. The management of all the affairs and funds of the society shall, form this purpose, vest in the Governing Body.

  2. The Governing Body shall exercise all the powers of the TGRAC society.
    1. Consider the annual and supplementary budgets placed before it by the Member Secretary, from, time to time and pass them with such modifications as they may think fit.
    2. Create and abolish posts.
    3. Appoint Direct General of the Centre and various Scientific, Technical, administrative and other Officers and Staff of the Society, fix their remuneration and defines their duties.
    4. Enter into with the Government of Telangana and through them with Foreign and International Agencies and Organizations, the other state Governments, Government of India and other public and private Organisations or individuals for securing and accepting grants -in -aid endowment , donations or gifts to the society on mutually agreed terms and conditions; provided that such terms and conditions ,if any, shall not be contrary to, inconsistent of in conflict with the objects of the society.
    5. Take over, acquire by purchase gift exchange, lease or hire or otherwise from Government of Telangana and though them from foreign and International Agencies and Organizations, the other State Governments, Government of India and other public and private bodies or individuals, institutions, libraries, laboratories, immovable properties, endowments or other funds together with any attendant obligations and engagements not inconsistent with the objects of the society.
    6. Appoint Committees and sub-committees of such purposes and with such powers and of such periods and on such terms as it may deem fit and dissolve any of them.
    7. Delegate such administrative and financial powers as it may think proper to the Chairman, the Director General and such other officers of the society as may be considered necessary.
Sl.No Official Designation Designation In
1 Principal Secretary, Planning Dept. Chairman
2 Deputy/Joint/Addl.Secretary Finance Dept (Expr.Plg) Member
3 Director/Representative of NRSA Member
4 Representative of ISRO,Bangalore Member
5 Director,Directorate of Economic and Statistics Member
6 Director,Town and Country Planning Member
7 Director,Ground Water Department Member
8 Engineer-in-Chief(AW)Irrigation Dept. Member
9 Commissioner,Agriculture Member
10 Commissioner,Rural Development Member
11 Director(Technical),TGRAC Permanent Invitee
12 Director(Statistics & Admin),TGRAC Permanent Invitee
13 Director General,TGRAC Member Secretary