Telangana Remote Sensing Applications Centre (TGRAC) is an autonomous scientific organization under Planning Department, Government of Telangana. It is the nodal agency for Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Global Positioning System (GPS) applications in Telangana.

TGRAC was formed on 18th October 2014 as per the order issued by the Govt., Vide G.O Ms.No.2O Revenue (Regn-Il) Dept. Sri. B. P. Acharya, lAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Planning Department, was appointed as the first Director General with a staff strength of about 110, which includes highly qualified scientists associated with various projects.

TGRAC, before re-organization, has completed about 120 projects in addition to operational projects. Apart from this, it carried out projects such as Command Area Monitoring, Integrated Watershed Management Program and “Integrated Seasonal Monitoring System” whose assessment reports are supporting government to take the decisions.

TGRAC has been providing RS and GIS based services on various applications to departments of the Government like Irrigation, Panchayati Raj, Agriculture, Mines, Rural Development, etc. with a vision to collaboratively develop information system for the State and make it available to all - from policy makers to stakeholders. TGRAC holds Satellite data archive and spatial data repository such as ‘Land Use Land Cover’, tank information, road information, etc. with detailed attributes. This technology provides a synoptic view of study area at desired scale with dynamically editable data, providing a very effective means for integrating data of various formats and graphically conveying complex information. Using remote sensing images, maps of current and authentic data can be prepared with reliable results, analyzed through scientific techniques, on various themes. Thus, provides scientific and technical support to government departments in decision making.

Empower the Government with Space based technology for improving the quality of life through Sustainable development
  1. To act as the nodal agency for all remote sensing activities in the state.
  2. To utilize the latest, remote sensing techniques available for the mapping , monitoring and management of natural resources.
  3. To assist in formulation and executing of the remote sensing projects for the user Departments.
  4. To undertake short term remote sensing surveys.
  5. To interact with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), National Natural Resources Management System(NNRMS), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Department of Space (DOS) on all the matters related to Remote Sensing .
  6. To undertake, aid, promote, guide and coordinate research in the field of Remote Sensing .
  7. To provide consultancy services to user departments and agencies.
  8. To carry out surveys by using remote sensing technology for various natural resources like surface water, ground water ,ocean, geology & minerals, energy, agriculture, soils, forests, animal husbandry , urban resources, meteorology, fisheries, environmental monitoring, topography, land resources, archaeology, crop diseases surveillance, floods, droughts and other disaster management, etc.
  9. To establish, maintain and manage data bank facility of aerial photographs and satellite imageries for the consultation of users.
  10. To establish centralized visual and digital facility for image interpretation and analysis.
  11. To establish, maintain and manage laboratories, workshops, stores, remote sensing platform, sensors and other units for carrying out scientific and technical in the area of remote sensing.
  12. To provide support to Research Centres for conducting investigations in specified areas of remote sensing technology.
  13. To conduct field experiments including implementation of recommendations connected with the activities of remote sensing.
  14. To organize training facilities, lectures, workshops, seminars and symposia for advanced study and research in remote sensing and for advancement of science and technology in general.
  15. To assist the user agencies in the implementation of the result of the remote sensing surveys carried out by other central agencies and in solving the problems of the user departments.
  16. To develop efficient database and retrieval system and act a repository of various natural resources data.
  17. To cooperate and collaborate with other national, foreign institutions and international organisations in the field of remote sensing and allied sciences.
  18. To publish Periodicals, Journals, Newsletters, etc., and disseminate information relating to results of research conducted in the field of remote sensing.
  19. To do all other such things may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects.